Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Cuisenaires in the Evening

We had some time to kill between dinner and bed, so Peter decided to do some learning time.  Both boys did some coloring (not one of Peter's strengths - he can write much better than he can color) and then Elliot headed up to the bath.

Then Peter and I did some reading practice.  As he read words, we colored them, cut them out and taped them onto ice cream cones.  Once all our cones were made, Peter decided to glue them into one super cone.  He did all the sounding out and reading on his own - his reading skills have really taken off in the last few weeks.

Then I pulled out a cuisenaire rod activity.  The sheet showed a certain number of dots, and Peter matched up one "1" rod for each dot and then lined all the "1"s into a line.  Then he tried to figure out what longer rod would be the same length as his line.

During the activity I noticed that Peter now knows the quantities up to 5 by sight - he did not have to count those dots.

At first Peter had a hard time guessing which rod would be the right length, but as he finished the sheet he was getting better.  As soon as he was done he wanted to do it again, so we cleared the rods to repeat the activity.  He wanted to do it a third time, but it was time for bed.  I told him we could play with it more tomorrow.

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