Thursday, March 28, 2013

Reading Time

This was our one calm moment this morning.  

Peter is, as always, thrown by change, uncertainty, excitement, unusual happenings or the idea know, LIFE.  This leads to the most appalling behavior.  He is exhausted, but he screams through rest time and tears books into millions of pieces.  He gleefully hurts Elliot.  He angrily screams NO at the world even if nothing is being asked of him.  

Yesterday evening we tried to go on a family walk to Peter's favorite rock except he just COULD NOT for love or money listen to the simplest safety instructions.  Doug and Elliot ended up going on the walk and I dragged/carried a tantruming 3.99 year old home.  What would I have done if it had been just the boys and I?  Last week we went for a walk and Peter took off running away from us and Doug had to chase him down before he ran into the street - like a little toddler, but stronger and faster and more dangerous.  How do Elliot and I cope with the fact that Peter's atrocious, unsafe behavior means we can't safely go for a walk around our neighborhood?

This morning Peter broke into angry, whiny sobs three times before 8:30am.  First, because I wouldn't let him hang from one of Elliot's Elliot sat in his high chair screaming in pain.  Second, because I said he could have banana chips...after he ate some of the peanuts and waffle he had just asked for.  Third, because it was time to brush teeth...after breakfast, while reading a story like we do pretty much every day.  Each time he was calmly sent to his room to cry because otherwise I would have throttled the child.  

I am so frustrated with the hours of crying that Elliot and I are forced to listen to every day.  It grates on every one of my nerves and makes me want to lock Peter out in the garage just so we get a break from the incessant, pointless, infuriating crying.  Crying because he isn't allowed to hurt Elliot.  Crying because I refuse to get him orange juice when he already has water and apple juice that he asked for and are sitting untouched.  Crying because he has to spend two minutes doing a chore.  Crying because I buckled him into his car seat in the wrong order.  Crying because he needs to get shoes on to go to school.  Crying because we stop in the bathroom at a store so I can go to the bathroom.  Crying because I have to check on dinner before reading him a story.  

Crying because he can't have his bathrobe in his bed because he ties the cord to his bunk bed and hangs himself by wrapping the other end around his neck.  This isn't normal, is it?

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