Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Color Coding Food for Fun and Safety!!

Wednesdays are speech therapy days; we get home about 20 minutes before Spencer needs to go down for a nap, so I need to get lunch on the table ASAP.  To that end, I tend to have the boys' lunches pre-packed in the fridge ready to go.

Sandwiches are easy to make ahead of time, but since most gluten free breads are expensive and not all that good, I've had to find alternative, often less convenient, options.

Enter "GLUTEN FREE BREAD-FOR-ONE IN LESS THAN 90 SECONDS!".  It is simple, fast and produces really good, soft (slightly sticky) bread that can be used in a multitude of ways.  I've also had good luck making regular wheat bread with that recipe for the non-allergic boys.

The only problem is making 100% sure that I keep track of which bread is wheat-free for Elliot.  I LOVE that Elliot is able to eat something that is "the same" as his brothers', but I also need to make sure it is different enough to safely keep track of what I am serving to whom.

So I dyed it.  Actually, I added different food coloring (the boys' favorite colors) to all the breads so they would be clearly identifiable.

Then I sliced the breads, made them into sandwiches and packed the boys lunches.  They all thought colored sandwiches were very cool.

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