Sunday, July 8, 2012

Black Liquorice

My kids both like black liquorice.  What is up with that?!?  

That right there is one of the only pictures we have of our Fourth of July adventures.  We were just too busy (and wet) to pull out the camera.  The boys and I spent the entire week of the Fourth up at the cottage.  It was very, very hot.  The boys spent much of their time playing with tubs of water on the deck or frolicking in the paddle boat which was in the middle of the lawn filled with water.

Doug was there with us for the first part of the week.  On Monday a group of us went to a Tiger's game where my Dad "caught" a foul ball.  Okay, it ricocheted off several people and chairs and finally landed at his feet where he scooped it up.  Still, a much better outcome than a few swings later when a line drive foul ball hit a guy a section over from us.  It hit him on the side of the head which resulted in a lot of blood and paramedics, but he gave a smile and a wave 20 minutes later when the medics finally carried him off looking like an extra from The Mummy.

On the Friday after the Fourth, all of us made our way to Grand Rapids.  Our first order of business was to get our air conditioning working; that was right in the middle of a two week stretch of 100ish degree temperatures.

We had planned to go on a train ride on Saturday, however the temp was a bit over 100 degrees and they canceled the ride.  Instead we went to the Meijer Gardens and explored the kids' garden and went on a trolley ride to see many of the sculptures.

On Sunday, we went and cheered on our local Grand Rapids White Caps baseball team.  It is a nice ball park for families.  We got cheap lawn seats so the kids could stretch their legs, the food was reasonably prices (plus it was kids eat free day), and they have a play ground with a large bounce house that Peter loved.  Unfortunately, the White Caps lost.

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