Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Finding our New Groove

Spencer is nearly a month old, our helper guests have all gone home and preschool will be starting in less than two weeks - it is time for things to get back to normal around here and that means a predictable routine.

5am - I get up and feed Spencer.  He barely even opens his eyes for this feeding.  Once he is back down I am free to shower and start my day.

6am - I eat breakfast, start laundry, empty the dishwasher and get the boys' breakfast ready.

7am - The big boys get up, get dressed, do chores and report to their chairs at the table.

7:30 - Breakfast while watching a Spanish video.  I feed Spencer.

Peter said he HATED the show.  It was TOO SCARY!!  Of course.  Those public broadcasting, Muppets-teach-basic-Spanish-vocab shows are notoriously "scary".

The boy doth protest too much, methinks.

8am - Breakfast is over, time to wash hands and face and brush teeth.  Spencer has independent play for a few minutes until he gets tired.

8:15 - Learning Time (or leave for preschool when that starts)

9am - Room Time while Spencer finishes his nap and I get some chores done.

10am - Snack and a story

10:30 - Free play while I feed Spencer

11am - Run an errand or go for a walk

12pm - Lunch

1pm - Elliot down for nap

1:30 - Read to Peter while feeding Spencer

2pm - Peter down for nap

3:30 - Big boys wake.  Snack time and then we all work on some chores.

4:30 - Daddy comes home and I feed Spencer

5pm - Dinner prep

5:30 - Spencer goes down for a nap while we eat dinner.

6:30 - Big boys get ready for bed while I feed Spencer

7pm - Read to the big boys

7:30 - Big boys in bed

8pm - Finish up chores and get Spencer ready for bed

8:30 - Feed Spencer

9ish - Ideally we all go to sleep.  Sometimes it happens, other times Spencer has a hard time settling.

1 or 1:30 am - Middle of the night feeding.

5am - Start all over.

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