Thursday, May 10, 2012


Peter is working on learning his lowercase letters.  Obviously, he is really good at the look-alike letters (c, z, w, etc.), but he is also getting better at some of the more mismatched lowercase letters.  I'm trying to expose him to LOTS of words so the lowercase letters will slowly become just as familiar as the uppercase ones.

His first workbox drawer is always a message from me to him.  Today it was also a letter hunt, and he found almost all of the e's and r's by himself.  This gave him practice scanning his eyes along a a line of text looking at each letter to decide if he should highlight it.

His next box was matching upper and lowercase letter flashcards.  This gave him more trouble than I expected, especially after having just found e's and r's in his message.  We'll have to work on this a bit more before we add in any more letters.

In the next box were the supplies he needed to "sign" two pictures he had painted that he is going to give as gifts.  As you can see in the first picture his signature focused more on decorative flourish and less on legibility.

Lastly, he pulled his hammer and golf tees out of his fourth box and he got busy hammering the tees into Styrofoam.  This was a big hit and I had to pull the tees out of the styrofoam several times so he could hammer them in again.

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