Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Toddlers...turning every molehill into a mountain.

It should be easy.

Lunch is over, it is a gorgeous day, the boys are already dressed, the sandbox is right outside.  Let's go out and play.  But it can never be that easy.

Peter wants to go outside, but he doesn't want to put on shoes.  Fine with me.  He also doesn't want to go out in sandals or socks or boots or barefoot.  Huh?  He doesn't want to walk down the stairs...not the inside ones or the outside ones.  I feel like throwing him over the deck railing - that would solve the stair problem.  

It ended up taking 20 minutes to get outside.  Twenty minutes to travel less than 100 feet - with that much commotion you would think we were headed to get a root canal not out to play in the sand.

Once we're out there he has a blast.  He plays in the grass, he plays in the sand, he plays with me, he plays with Elliot.  Except, since it took so long for us to get outside he only has 30 minutes before we have to go in for nap time.  Cue further tantrums.  I try to explain that next time if he gets ready more quickly than he will have more time to play.  But, his memory of the previous hour seems to be sketchy at best.  He doesn't seem to recall any of the tears shed over the shoe or stair issues - he insists that he did get ready quickly.  No hold ups on his end, no sir.

Someday I hope that simple things aren't such an ordeal...I'm sure it will seem boring when it actually happens, but for now it sounds glorious.

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